My dad, who is not very tech savvy, is trying to install the avast! Professional 4 to his computer. He’s having difficulties getting it installed, and as I’m not familiar with avast! and far away from him, I can’t walk him through it. He said he called a tech support number today and the person said no one was there to help him but someone would call back.
Does anyone know how to talk to someone who could help him? And no, he can’t do a forum, that’s why I’m here.
There could be a few reasons he’s having trouble installing it, and without being able to communicate directly, forum assistance will be (by necessity) possibly a bit vague.
It seems to me that (apart from user error) the most common cause of difficulty installing is the presence off an old AV still on the machine (and some AV’s will leave a “presence” even after uninstallation, if the specific removal tool isn’t run),
and/or malware preventing an install.
The first item you can help with by finding out what AV he used to use, and if/how it was uninstalled.
The second he needs direct tech help with, probably either via a forum, or by taking the machine to a shop.
Why won’t he join a forum? This one is about as painless as it gets.
Is it a new computer? What version of windows is he using? What security programs are installed? Find out what AV was installed before and then have him get the removal tool and run it. Running PCDecrapifier and CCleaner(CrapCleaner)might be useful also. How about you installing avast and then you could “walk” your dad through it yourself! Having him join the avast forum would be the better solution and a good place for him to learn how to use a computer, meet some nice folks and have some fun too.
Even if he could not join the forum, you could send him a link to this thread, allowing him to see what we are saying here. It may help speed things up a bit for him
[EDIT] Also, is he getting any error messages upon installation, this may help to work out where it is going wrong.