Instant Messaging provider.

Can someone explain how this provider works?.I have all the iMs ticked as i have all installed but dont always use all.Anyway each of the programmes i.e yahoo ,msn etc have a field in thier options tab to put the scan path to ones AV , so obviously ive put the path to avast ashquick.exe which then scans any files recieved etc anyway.Ive read in the help files that avast scans the recieved files folder , but what if the folder you choose for recieving files from any of the internet messaging programmes is not the default folder?.Can this be changed from within avast ?.Im a little confused by this messaging plugin even after reading the help files.

there is a different manner for IM provider in Win9x based and WinNT based systems. On WinNT based systems avast! tests file-operation in running IM programs (when you are receiving a file, IM program is writting data to disk and in this moment avast! tests it). The situation on Win9x systems is different. There are 3 types of protection: ICQ - avast! uses ICQ API to determine that file is received - and ashQuick is executed; YAHOO, AIM, TRILLIAN - avast! holds settings so that these programs tests received files via ashQuick.exe. Other IM programs (MSN, Kazaa(Lite), DirectConnect(++), BearShare) are guarded through “testing received files folder” - avast! always checks CURRENT folder for this programs, so you can change if from default - it’s no problem.


Thank you for thorough explanation :slight_smile: