I have a problem with AIS 7.0.1466 and Intel My Wifi technology. IMW is basically my ASUS laptop’s feature which enables me to share my internet connection. But with AIS enabled, other devices have no access with my hotspot.
I’ve enabled Home/Low profile firewall setting but it doesn’t work with that as well.
It only works when I disable AIS.
Is there any solution for that? I found an older thread about this issue but it doesn’t have solution there.
I am having the same problem. Intel MyWifi no longer works since the latest update to Avast Internet Security. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling MyWifi software and AIS. Looked through firewall rules, reset adapters. Nothing seems to work. Can Avast offer any guidance on what is happening and how to fix it?
Well, avast 7 is quite old… It’s difficult to us even to remember how it works.
If I’m not wrong, Intel MyWIFI was not available for later Windows versions either…
Can’t you look for other alternatives to Intel MyWIFI?