Internal Server Error?

I’ve been trying to go to since yesterday and I keep getting the same error:

Internal Server Error. Please, try again later.

Is anyone else running into this? Is there another way to get the edu license file?

Works for me, try again.

“Sorry, this service is currently unavailable. Please, try again later.”

Tried it on different computers with the same result.

Hmmm, which browser do you use…?
Is any script/ad blocker involved…?

I was trying it in Chrome, no addons. Just tried it with IE 11 (no addon), still getting an error :cry:

Guess I need to email Avast support or something?

Try it here: edu.program[at]

I’m getting the same thing to try to retrieve our renewed edu license. I emailed support.

I’m receiving the same error message trying to access as well - tried it with both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

I am also receiving this error. Any fix yet?

toss us on that bandwagon as well. sent off an email to see what is going on.

Hi guys, see:

thank you, after a quick chat I was able to get the license file.

You’re welcome.