I just did a factory restore on my computer and re-installed Avast Premier. I have re-activated the product with my activation code and the license file was properly downloaded.
I can access the internet and surf the web just fine through my browsers. However, within the AVAST application, when i click the ‘sign in’ button to link my avast app to my account, I receive an error of “The online content is unavailable. Please Check your internet connection and try again.”
How do I fix this? The internet is clearing working. I tried turning off the firewall and tried to sign in again, but it still gives me the same error. This is a problem within the Avast application only as I’m able to use my internet and browsers just fine. However, I do want to have my avast application connected with the internet so it can automatically download important updates and I can easily access my account without having to open a browser screen. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I can’t find any contact information to get help directly from Avast, so I’m hoping someone has the answer.
It is a known problem and avast is working on it.
For a while now I unfortunately.
You don’t have to login to get updates, they will work (or at least should)
Right click the avast ball near the clock and choose about.
Check what VPS and avast version you have.
If they are the latest, everything is ok.
If the installation went well, your system is already connected to your account.
Check it to make sure > https://my.avast.com
Thank you for the suggestions. It occurred to me that I did not restart my computer after the installation, so I gave that a try. Once I restarted the computer, the avast application was then able to log me in and pick up my internet connection. Everything appears to now be working correctly.