I need help setting up my AVAST Internet Security to allow communication between two programs I’m working on.
I have added them to the exception list in settings>antivirus>esclusions, but this seems to be more firewall related.
I’m rather sure my firewall rules are set correctly but I guess it’s worth a check.
What I know for sure, if I disable avast protections the two programs can communicate nicely. BUT avast disables the windows firewall as well so perhaps I should be looking there.
Additional note: I have disabled Windows Firewall from the control panel, but the two programs cannot communicate anyway so I’m inclined to believe this is due to Avast.
I don’t remember having this difficulty previously.
I’ve noticed a pattern. If I connect to my own computer, the first connection attempt always fails, while the second succeeds.
If I try to connect to a remote server, it always fails.
I have tried fiddling a bit with the firewall settings with no success.
As it stands now, I have to disable avast completely to continue. This is not viable. I need help in configuring avast to allow my program run with no restrictions.