Hi I have browsed the forums and cannot find an answer to my problem. Since installing avast home and use Outlook Express after a while I get the following pop up:
avast. Internet Time Out elapsed
(server pop3 blueyonder.co.uk port 110)
Yes No
Can somebody tell me what to do to stop this annoying pop up. I expect it is just a setting but I dont know. Thanks in advance. Chelsky
When do you get this message? When you check your mail in Outlook Express?
Chelsky, configure the timeouts both on your email program and avast to maximum allowed (or, for instance, 600 seconds).
email: Tools > Accounts > select one > Properties > Advanced > Timeout
avast: Internet Mail provider settings > Customize> Advanced > Timeout
Hope this help
Thanks for the reply Hawk. I have been getting it when Outlook Express is minimised to the task bar after checking my mail
Thanks for the reply Technical I have done as you sugested. I will let you know how I get on. It is not something I have encountered before with other virus programs. Regards Chelsky