Internship at Avast!

Hi there people of avast! Forum,

I’m a student in Computer Engineering (Master’s degree) and I’m about to finally finish my university experience and start creating a real and challenging career in Computer Security.

My assistant professor agreed with my strong desire to work on my final thesis project abroad, as long as I find an internship in a Security company that accepts me. There are not enough words to express my excitement! I really want to have an hands-on experience and finally test my skills in a real world environment!

My very first try is here, at Avast! I’ve always dreamt to be employed by such an amazing company and finally be part of a team who makes the world a securer place to live in, day after day! Of course I’m not asking for a job, just for the opportunity to participate in something for a limited amount of time (that would be incredible!).

But, coming back to in-topic subject, here it comes my question: does Avast offer any internship for Master’s degree students? Is there any email address where I can send my full of enthusiasm and determination messages to, in order to get a remote chance to be eligible for an open position?

It’s trivial to say that I’m not interested in money: I’m not saying that I’m so rich that I don’t need them (unfortunately I’m not rich at all!) but the great experience in this company will be an adeguate payment to my efforts itself!
In addition, I’d love to travel abroad and I’m completely available to move to any country for the internship duration.

Thanks a lot in advance for your time and for your answers. I really hope that my seek for advice will be successful! :smiley:

Hey Rob.

I don’t work for Avast. Just help here once in a while, but if none of the Avast team answer your post or get in touch with you, her you can take alook of what is coming.

Good luck.

Good luck in your endeavors. :slight_smile:

Thanks iroc! I’ve already taken a look on that page but what I’m looking for is an Internship programme made for students. Unfortunately Careers page shows only real job offers without mentioning students content (though I still hope Avast has something for them!). My enthusiast is still at highest level, I’ll wait for better news :smiley:

Grazie! :wink: