well it happened twice, and then not again. The first like the second time was when I wanted to close the browser from the browser window. Sounds more like a Chromium issue… I guess.
@vlk btw this chromium version is seriously outdated. I guess you never intended to follow the actual Chromium build life cycle but well, Chrome stable is on version 11 now and the chromium version used in the SZ is V9…
edit: can you update it without having to update the program?
I going to the Free Version on this one I loved pro but as the trail is about over so… I’m using free version again till i decide to use the Internet Security version…
[s]not sure to what it’s related, because I did three things until I realized that Windows indexing service stopped working:
1 updated Avast to latest version
2 re-installed the behavior shield
3 updated Windows
the service refused to restart manually but magically clicking just on “rebuild” from the indexing UI did the job. Event viewer doesn’t tell much except that requests timed out when I tried to restart the index service etc…
edit: just found that “The Windows Modules Installer service terminated with the following error:
forget it, a hundred percent not avast related, I find error entries about the index long before I upgraded Avast and re-installed the BS.