invalid file signature: setup will terminate

I am trying to update the virus definitions per Avast’s instructions. However, got this error message “invalid file signature: setup will terminate.”

Can technical support take a look at this? Thanks.

I get the same error including a popup my database would be outdated and i may want to update them.

Getting the same thing here. My defs say 151228-2

There currently seems to be a lot of traffic going on.
Update(s) are downloading slowly or give a error.
Try it again in a few hours.

Thanks for posting about this! I thought I was the only one with this problem and that it might be an issue my end, but thankfully not!

same problem - and I got a similar error message when I tried to reinstall.

Called support - he said it must be a problem on my PC. I mentioned the thread here - he said “those are just public opinions.” I said it could be an early warning…

Anyway - I’ll wait and see if they fix THEIR problem!


I am happy to know it isn’t a personal thing against my PC. My guess is that some group of various ‘anonymity’ is DDoS’ing the servers, or another illicit overflow variant so they can push their own ‘modified’ update out to Avast clients; most likely the business ends but with how much of our lives our connected to us electronically, it could be aimed at home users too… and yes, that is just an opinion since I don’t have access to the Avast server logs.

I did just recently post some exploits (the type and methodology behind them that is) happening on XBL and FB and Netflix (its a combined, multi-site technique similar to how MyCandianPharmacy used to make their web sites from multiple servers in Op:Ghost Click) which first led me to think this might just be me. Apparently its not just me :smiley:

There is s huge push at the end of each year by illicit hijackers so this isn’t that big of a surprise. Avast, let us know something if you would please.

Theres no official info yet available. If we even get any at some point.

I was having the same problem. Here’s how I fixed it:

Go here:

Download the manual update and run it.

Now up-to date.


I can download updates now, but really really slow…

Same problem in Germany!

I just manually installed it, was easier than waiting hours.

I would put money on it having to do with the new Avast Social Media tool in the ‘my.avast’ service… just sayn.

And I want to add, I’m very impressed with this tool Avast Team. It gave a thorough review of the possible ways, with a good explanation, of my data and its compromisability (new word of the day :stuck_out_tongue: ). These are things I have posted about for years (even on here).

@ Uncle Bud,
You know what they say about assuming… :slight_smile:

Another one here! ::slight_smile:

Hello all. Just to add my two ha’p’th:
Win7 64Bit (Er… I notice that the time is shown here an hour out - advanced - 'though we’re in GMT in UK)
Pop-up told me about half an hour ago that my Virus Definitions were out of date.
Bit strange; on Auto and Streaming.
Opened interface, clicked on update, received message as per OP
THEN noticed that it was the PROGRAM that was registered as out of date, (Which I have set to Notify Me).
Rebooted. Ran Update. Same result.
This is merely Public Opinion, you understand. : )

Same thing here, in Massachusetts USA.


Seems like it depends on the update server youre getting connected too…

Experience the same after def. 151228-2.
Seems the culprit is with Users\polonus\App Data\Roaming\AVAST software\Avast\ unknown classification
Can someone confirm this? Could be with the update server. The manual upload from here: worked as a charm.


I have definitons 151229-1 and get the same issue.