invalid host name error when trying to enter email server exclusions from scanning. I have been having new issues with both dropbox secure connections and imap cert issues with Google. The cert issue is definitely an Avast! problem, so I tried to add the service/host name to exclude google from scans and hopefully Avast. Yes, I realize this has nothing to do with my expired cert that Avast! keeps using for, However, I wanted to see if it had any impact. But, when I enter as the host, I get an error stating the host name is invalid. Nothing invalid here. I also dislike the fact that I can’t specify wildcards in host names. Thanks.
There is a bug in re-signed certificate caching in the current version that causes the web/mail shield
sending expired SSL certificates to the clients. It will be fixed in the next program update. Till then, you
can “fix” the corresponding problems by re-installing avast!.
$ host
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
Sorry, but this is not technically possible, it has been further discussed in other topics here on the forum.