I recently downloaded the free Avast! antivirus and i’ve had complications starting any of the sheilds/protection devices. It never gave me any amount of time to get a licence key and even though i’ve now got one and entered it, it says the licence is invalid:
What version number did you download (6.0.1203 is the latest) and from where ?
Where did you get your key from ?
If you have the latest avast version, essentially you don’t have to enter a key, you register through the avastUI (user Interface, left click the avast tray icon), Maintenance, Registration section.
Maybe http://support.avast.com/ helps? It has several FAQs and KBs, so it may be more complete than the link from Asyn.
Are you sure you are downloading from Avast official website?
The latest version is 6.0.1203. Could you unistall your current Avast installation using the Clean Uninstall tool from http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility using Windows Safe Mode? Then, in normal mode, use the re-downloaded setup.exe to install anew.
I used the clean uninstall tool in windows safe mode and reinstalled from scratch. That seems to have got it working, i entered my licence from the offline registration and it works.