I’ve been searching the forum to find a solution to my problem but it seems that after the 1st jan 05 issue no one is having the same problem as I have?!
I’ve downloaded the Free home version of Avast for my XP pro SP 2 pc. Registered and reveived a License key (twice) When I CTRL-C, CTRL-V this in the dialogue box and press OK I get the message Invalid license key.
My system clock has the same time as my regular one. I am not using a OS server version(?) I have Free Zone Alarm installed.
Can anybody help me as my PC is now not virusprotected after deinstalling Norton
Thanks for your fast reply!
I have checked whether I have any anti virus application left. De- installed with Windows XP Software de/installation utility and restarted my PC. this should take care of the registry, right?!
Checked for any spaces after the copy paste action. Exact copy of the code, no spaces before or after, included the dash…
Have several antispyware tools installed. Do not thnk this could be the source.
Eddu, could be a problem in the key generator (into avast website).
Take it easy, they could check.
I think removing NAV has nothing related with the specific problem of non registering avast… Maybe I’m wrong.
Are you using a user with administration rights?
De- installed with Windows XP Software de/installation utility and restarted my PC. this should take care of the registry, right?!
Nope unfortunatly not, not with the uninstaller that comes with NAV :-\
If this was NAV 2003 or earlier, use the seperat uninstall util.
If thas was NAV 2004 or up, you need to do it manually following the instructions on the Symantec website.
ps: This is just to make sure everything is gone. If there are remains left it can lead to conflicts and even a totally not working av.
For your key problem:
Can you try with another email address?
(just to make sure) You did received this key very recently? (eg feb or march)
If you have just installed avast and it started with no warning messages or any elements disabled because of a previous AV, you are probably OK in that regard.
Why not just you the Demo option rather than enter the registration key, click the Demo button, that will give you 60 days trial use before you absolutely have to enter a registration key. This should at least give you AV protection whilst this issue is resolved.
After some time and sweating I got it to work!!! I re-downloaded the application (Dutch, demo version) and it completely installed the 60 days trial version. Only after complete installation I registered without a problem.
The first (English version) installation seems to have been incomplete or in some way, on my configuration, corrupt!?
After install No1. (at least I thought it was) I immediately got the registry screen. The application had not really installed because this takes about 20 minutes including automatic restart and auto. scanning the PC, etc.
Thanks for all your advise and positive problem solving attitudes and efforts!!