Hi, I was just wondering if Avast works ok with mcafee firewall. Its the free one offered with AOL. I am asking because I have an IRQL not less or even blue screen and I cannot start windows xp (pro sp2) in any mode. Avast upgraded virus database, and it was the last thing I did before shutting down my pc. It wont restart now. I was just wondering if there were any other instances where this has happened.
McAfee Personal Firewall will work perfectly fine with avast! Antivirus (As long as you don’t play around with the IP banning. But I’m sorry that you can’t start Windows. :-\
If you want, you can send me a couple of minidumps from your system (they’re located in the \windows\minidump folder) and I’ll have a look at them and try to find the cause of the problem…
Send them by email (the address is in my profile).