Irritated - Uninstalled Avast Free


I have really enjoyed using Avast! Free and seen many amazing improvements over the years, but I have just been forced to abandon it for two reasons:

  1. After the huge ‘false positive’ you recently released caused Avast! to ‘smoke’ my software firewall, it was just too annoying to repair all the damage and 2) I have been intentionally avoiding upgrading Avast! interface for years on an older XP machine since that older machine just could not handle the bloat of the modern interface. Somehow, the bloat UI arrived on it’s own last night without my consent or request. I have been forced to uninstall Avast!, entirely. :frowning:

Except for the occasional false positive vaporizing something important, I still think you have a fine product. Thanks for the free use of it.


Hey WindAndRain! sorry to here your not happy with avast. to your first question avast has not many false threat at all so don’t know what you get that from an exemple of this please?

2 question im ot sure if i get you there? i know avast did upgrade some old verion to the latest one becouse some old verion will not be supported any longer could it be that have happen to you?

3 the support for windows xp have ended for over a year ago meby you shuld consider to upgrade to later windosw version like win 7,8,8.1 windows 10 is around the corner with some new stuff. just a tips :slight_smile:

Hello Mikaelrask,

To answer your questions, Avast! has one of highest false positive ratings in the industry according to the March 2015 edition of AV-Comparatives (an independent tester), and specifically the recent 150506-3 update sent out contained a huge number of false-positives that were reported as “Win32:Kryptik-PFA.” The only scanner with higher false positives was Biadu. You are welcome to verify this yourself at As much as we both like Avast!, those are the facts.

Yes, I am sure the forced UI upgrade was because the older version was no longer supported, but in forcing the upgrade, Avast! forced me out of the game. The old machine cannot handle the bloat.

I already own Windows 7, and 8.1 on other machines, but I am software developer and I keep an older XP machine to support the older code I have written. Besides, I will not toss out an excellent computer just because Microsoft has dropped support.

Thank you for your reply and best wishes.


I too have a XP system and the latest version of avast runs fine on it without problems.

hey agian windAndRain thoose test does not say anything, they have teseted about 400 live url for malware. but not wicth ones second every 3 second a url is hacked. so this test you have point out is uselees. but if you look at the latest test result from april 2015 avast have very little false threat. but as i sayed thoose test does not show anything. cheers :wink:

Hi WindAndRain,

I am sorry to hear that, but we didn’t make any forced update in recent days.
I understand that your prefer to keep the AV as slim as possible, so I please consider to try installing the latest version V2015, but install just the components you want via the custom install…
Then check the speed / performance and let me know how it worked.

I commonly install V2015 on PCs with XP without any issue…


There are a number of long time Avast users who still maintain an xp OS. I also run Avast on xpSP4 with not much Ram.
On systems with limited RAM it important to review all options on install and uncheck all those that you don’t want or need.
On my xp system due to limited Resources I have only the core “Shields” installed and in the “tools” column I’ve unchecked all but SafeZone and Software Updater.
This allows Avast to run smoother with less resources used on my limited xp system.
Go to Control Panel/Add and Remove Program/Avast and choose change. In the Avast Installlation Window scroll to “Change” and view what extra modules (tools) are installed and then uncheck what you don’t need :slight_smile:

As addition, Windows XP can highly be “tweaked” to increase performance when it comes to speed.

TIP - 1:
Often XP systems have onboard graphics.
Get and use a 512 Mb (or even a 1 Gb) AGP graphics card.
They are not expensive and will increase performance noticeable.

TIP - 2:
Put as much ram on the motherboard as it can handle.