Is AVAST 4.1 Home/Pro ICSA Certified?

I know if I look under the news section on the main page it says AVAST is ICSA certified. But if you look on ICSA site it only shows AVAST 32 3.0 as being ICSA certified. Just curious. Here is a link to the ICSA page in question:

I would appreciate an answer. If this information is incorrect could you could you please have ICSA update their webpage. Thanks for the help in advance.

Can anyone help me please?

Maybe Monday morning someone will do it (Pavel?) :wink:

Thanks technical.

Yes it is avast 4. The general table you linked doesn’t contain version numbers, just product names (this applies to all products, not only avast).

If you want to see the product versions, you need to look in the Lab reports category: which does contain version info. The latest report is from January 2004: .

Hope this helps,

Thanks VLK for the links.