Is Avast! (Free Version) Free?

Yea I know that sounded corny lol.

Back to the question - is Avast! completely free (the free version) or do you have to pay or something after a while?

Just curious thats all.

FREE for as long as you want, no small print…no anything, you can’t ask for anything more.

I heard some said something about renewing, which I don`t understand quite.

Well if its free then cool.

you have to re-register every year, its still free.

And Avast will notify that? Well, thats cool.

Avast! is awesome :wink:

yup, you’ll be notified, u then just re-register for another FREE year, u can’t ask for anything better.

You have to re-register each year, this allows avast to know how many active users there are and ensure that there enough update servers for virus definition updates, etc.