Is Avast! Spying?

I was wondering why Avast! needs your GUID, Computer Name, User Name, Local Computer IP address, etc. This seems like a little more info than I want to give out.

Well spying… I’d say certainly not but of course, that depends on the definition. As you’ve figured out, after each update it does report some info that is relevant to the updater and the license checker. But nothing personal – after all, you used some sniffer to see what’s being sent and I’m sure you can confirm that it does not contain any info of personal nature. Stuff like IP address and computer name is something one can find e.g. in headers of your emails (unless you’ve managed to suppress it)…

BTW the GUID is avast’s own GUID. I.e. upon installation, avast generates a GUID and reports it back so that we can trace the updating chain for a given installation – particularly useful for tracking down updating problems…

Hope this helps,

OK…Thanks. I really like Avast!, but I couldn’t tolerate it gathering any personal info… I would have to search for an alternative.
I still don’t understand why it needs my local IP address and computer name, or why this info is posted at

Perhaps you’re right that some of the info would not be like necessary but still we believe local IP address is not really of personal nature. Actually we’ve already used it many times to pin down the machines on the network that were having updating troubles (i.e. troubleshooting purposes).

Anyway, as I said, your computer name and local IP address is probably in headers of all e-mails you’re sending (unless someone’s stripping it en route)…


I understand your concern but once you get to know us here, you will feel a bit more secure.

Believe me, I am as security conscious as they come, but once I realized that my info was safe with the Avast team, it bothered me no longer.

They would never use it in a harmful way, or share it outside of Alwil.

Not only is Avast Antivirus great…
So are the people connected with it! ;D
