Is "Bypass Content Restrictions" anything more than just an ad?

Very occasionally - maybe once a week - I see the dialog shown below…

Is this just an ad for the VPN services? Or is it based on something in particular being detected (such as a hosts file or an alternate DNS server blocking some sites)?

It’s not a big deal, I’m just curious.


It is just an offer of avast! SecureLine VPN services.

:frowning: >:( >:( >:(el anti virus es excelente pero el avast secure line vpn es el peor producto que puedas adquirir y es costoso, yo lo compre por que vivo en china y hay mucha restricciones en cuanto al internet, pero si tengo la suerte de que el vpn conecte es el servicio mas lento que he tenido muy malllllll

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