Is educationnal licence still free

I’m getting a warning saying I have 58 days left to my educationnal licence.

I’m trying to renew it, but I can only click on the “obtain a new licence” button. All the avaiable products are not free.

Must I wait till I have 30 days or less to be able to renew our licence ?


I just received an e-mail that asks me to renew. When I follow the link, I’m send to business edition.

So I’m really wondering if Avast AEP with console still free (even just avaiable) or do we have to move to business ?

I’m currently testing it… the online console is somewhat limited, but at least the client 11.1.2510 works fine on windows 10.

Has anyone been able to renew their education licences ? By the way, I’m in Canada… don’t know if that is the problem.

As far as I’m aware it is, I would imagine there would be lots of posts about it if this had changed.

Whilst I don’t use the Avast Education Program, I’m wondering it this isn’t like the avast free product. In the avast free version the registration/renewal area of the User Interface doesn’t change until around 30 days to enable renewal.

Hopefully someone with knowledge of the product, in the meantime I will try to draw some attention to your topic.


The Avast fro Education program is still around. We are in the process of moving all of our customers to the newest generation cloud solution. I see that you have already created an account and began testing. For further assistance you can contact us via phone at 1-844-762-3733 Option 1 or via the live chat, the live chat button is located in the bottom left hand corner of your cloud console. Using either of the two options will allow us to better assist you.

Does this mean an end of the free use of the Endpoint Protection for the Avast free for EDU project ???

Hello Bob,

The product you can get now is Free for Education using the cloud managed product. Schools that currently have the Endpoint can renew Endpoint until the migration process is available. Then we can move them to the new product without the hassle of them needing to reinstall or redeploy. New applicants to the Free for EDU however will be directed to the Free for Education Cloud Product. Again For further assistance you can contact us via phone at 1-844-762-3733 Option 1 or via the live chat, the live chat button is located in the bottom left hand corner of your cloud console. Using either of the two options will allow us to better assist you.

Is this the same portal as My rep had me move my school to the business cloud app about a month ago.


When will the migration process be available?

Sometime before the end of the year is what I was told.

Sooner than that…

Within the next month or EDU participants will receive some information of the upcoming upgrade but in the meantime renew the current Endpoint so their license remains valid and clients protective.

The new process will allow an easy upgrade and transfer to the new platform that will not require any reinstalling of the clients.

We just ask that you all continue to be patient.

Thanks again.

Che Johnson
Head of EDU

Will the online version for education still be fully free? From my testing on it, it seems to be limited with pay options to use all the features. Shot 2016-06-06 at 1.56.15 PM.png

From Che Johnson: Hello, YES, if your an existing EDU customer then you will receive the Endpoint Security version but as EPS is now, it currently does not include any firewall or antispam features so you will receive the same features as you previously had before with Endpoint Protection Suite just with a more up to date client and new cloud console that can allow for additional optional paid features to be added.

You also have to pay to have an MSI built for GPO deployment too…


The MSI is actually available for download in the cloud console at this time. It is however a paid option. In order to receive a fresh copy you will need to upgrade your subscription or enable the free 30 day trial.

Your current business product does not include premium support. If you would like priority support from an expert support specialist please purchase Premium Support: If not, you can review our videos on or ask for help in the community at
Best Regards,
Avast For Business

I’ve referred this to Avast and requested a reply directly from them. :slight_smile:

Yes, the license is still FREE, you only need to contact us at to renew but we are asking that our current Endpoitn users begin to migrate to our new AFB Cloud product migrating from EPS to Endpoint Security.

All current EDU users should have recieved their custom invitation links that will allow them to migrate and open up their new cloud account.

There are step by step instructions on how to migrate below.

I hope this helps.

Che’ Johnson
Head of EDU
AVAST Software a.s.
140 00, Praha 4
Czech Republic

This is the resposce I got from support regarding free education version

The Business Basic, is our Free EDU program.

Please note: The Free version does not include MSI to push out the install, live support, scheduled tasks or file server protection, however this is all available within the paid tiers
or with a Technical Support contract based on $2 per device per year ($200 minimum). Better yet, if you upgrade from free we are offering a 50% discount for our EDU partners.
If you would like either option reply to this ticket and a Sales Specialist will be assigned to you.

Thank you for using Avast!

This is correct as we no longer offer server protection and some other features for our basic EDU program using the AFB model. We will still continue to renew Endpoint Protection Suite clients but I can confirm the current EDU Program is correct in regards to the AFB Business Security basic client.