Is it okay to do a full scan while using the computer?

I’m going to run a full scan on my dads pc is it okay if he still uses it while we do it

Yes, but it will probably be a little slower depending on the system specs, CPU, Drive (SSD/HDD) and how much data on it.

Say I scanned while it did nothing and scanned while my father was doing work related stuff would it still as accurately check the files?

You would effectively be running two scans, the on-access and on-demand scans and they work independent of each other, but they would both use system resources.

On-access scanner, this the active protection, any time you browse the web, run a program or open a file, etc. then Avasts shields would scan the content.

On-demand scans, scan all associated files relevant to the on-demand scan you chose, whether they are running or not.
Personally I feel these on-demand scans are of little use as if they were active they would be scanned by the on-access scanners.

  • With a resident (on-access) scanner the need for on-demand scans is much depreciated. For the most part dormant/inert files are being scanned, the other active files are going to be scanned by the resident shields when they are activated.

I mean would it affect the detection rate or anything as since software would be running. Can avast scan files while they are running

No it would not affect detection rate. Anyway You dont realy need to do a scan.
All antivirus programs have realtime monitoring, meaning they scan evrything that goes on in the computer when it happens. In/out data traffic, downloading file, opening file, saving file, moving file …. evrything

I’m just being paranoid about if malware spread over the network. But if I do do a scan while my father uses the computer for work would it still scan the same as if it was idle?

Can avast scan files or stuff while it’s being used like software

Can avast scan files or stuff while it’s being used like software
It is a yes and no (tecnical stuff, not unique to avast) if you dive in to this you get more paranoid