This is probably a dumb question, ??? but if you do not play online games is it worth having java on your PC?
Java (software platform)
OK, I went and read a bit at that link, that was helpful. So if i understand this correctly if you are running at least Windows XP SP2 with net frame work java does not matter,and im running XP SP3. Only problem is that it is used at websites for rendering their pages correctly. I’m no PC expert so be gentle fellow members thank you
It is not necessary. I don’t have it installed, and probably never will, as it is just another thing to keep on top of when updating. Especially when the information for updating is a bit cryptic (who needs it, who doesn’t ???)
whether you personally need it or not will depend entirely on your needs, some sites require the java platform, and I think, a few of these may be games. You will find out if you need it when you come across such a site…
So far, I have only come across one site that requires java, and that is secunia’s online scan, and I just didn’t bother with it…
I haven’t experienced life without Java that I can recall. So maybe I have, I just didn’t notice at the time.
Here is a bit more info. Not sure as to date of publish or anything else (found on google search with keyword ‘why java’).
And I’m still reading the article myself.
And for more tech types, developers and such
Well thanks for the info and right now the only Java I’ll be part taking in is the liquid caffeine kind. ;D Java no longer a part of my computer’s realm.
Besides games (Pogo fanatics know this) Java is needed if you have your own Personal Key i.e. Digital Signature.
I only needed Java to run a chatroom that uses Java components, its normaly never needed other than that. :
Required for navigating my university’s web site. other than that I am not aware if I require it on other sites. Never had much issue with it and and unless you are actually using it, you never know it’s there.
oh, there’s also Open Office 2.0 that needs it. (i’m not sure about OO 3.0 though)
I’m pretty sure OO 3 still needs java, but not necessarily Sun’s java.
I think they have some sort of deal then because every time I update my Java, there is this commercial suggesting I try OO. plus if you go to sun’s web page you get a link to OO.
They are both developed by Sun.