Is the server implicitly protected?

If I installed ADNM on a server does it mean that it is automatically protected by avast? Or do I have to deploy an avast NetServer Edition installation package on it just like I installed the NetClient on the workstations? I tried to deploy such a package but it fails with this error log:

09/08/06 14:00:19: rinstInstall begin
09/08/06 14:00:19: Init 50 60 C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\aswC.tmp C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Management Tools\InstPkgs NULL C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\aswB.tmp 0
09/08/06 14:00:19: Store
09/08/06 14:00:19: Domains: workgroup,
09/08/06 14:00:19: Init WORKGROUP\DEV
09/08/06 14:00:19: DEV: GetAccount
09/08/06 14:00:19: DEV: Queueing
09/08/06 14:00:19: StartThread
09/08/06 14:00:19: Loop
09/08/06 14:00:19: SpawnThreads
09/08/06 14:00:19: DEV: StartSetup
09/08/06 14:00:19: DEV: Connecting
09/08/06 14:00:19: DEV: WNetAddConnection2 \DEV\C$ DEV\Administrator error 1130
09/08/06 14:00:19: DEV: WNetAddConnection2 \DEV\ADMIN$ DEV\Administrator error 1130
09/08/06 14:00:19: DEV: RemoveOnError
09/08/06 14:00:19: DEV: Finished with error
09/08/06 14:00:19: TerminateAll
09/08/06 14:00:19: rinstInstall end 0

What is error 1130? I searched this forum but nobody seems to have complained about it so far.

I’m gonna take a stab at this one. When I first installed the suite, I looked around on my AMS server once I got the ADMN console installed. I didn’t noticed any providers or standard shield running. I then deployed the NetServer Client to it, and it worked just fine. From your log it appears that there’s a problem connecting to the administrative share on the machine you’re trying to deploy it to. Assuming you’ve deployed this successfully to other machines on your network, it could either be invalid logon information when connecting to your root admin share or a firewall of some type. First off, I would check your logon account that you are trying to deploy it with and make sure it is an administrator account that also has access to your c$ share on your machine.