Is there a defense against the "evercookie"?

Hi malware fighters,

There is a new cookie that will not go away, evercookie, re:
re:, NoScript will block them, Click@Clean will also get rid of them after closing down GoogleChrome. Test here:


P.S. For one of the features see:


Hi malware fighters,

Some of the answers for the Mozilla browser can be found here:
Then the evercookie is not that “everlasting”. But who will bastle such a creation in the first place, he definitely is not on the side of the browser user protection and would like to sell his creation to the highest bidder, I guess,


Hi folks,

Tested to recover the evercookie after cleansing my GoogleChrome with Click&Clean and these were the results:

pngData mechanism: null
etagData mechanism: undefined
userData mechanism: undefined
cookieData mechanism: null
localData mechanism: null
globalData mechanism: undefined
sessionData mechanism: null
historyData mechanism: undefined
lsoData mechanism: undefined
pngData mechanism: null
etagData mechanism: undefined
userData mechanism: undefined
cookieData mechanism: null
localData mechanism: null
globalData mechanism: undefined
sessionData mechanism: null
historyData mechanism: undefined
lsoData mechanism: undefined
pngData mechanism: null
etagData mechanism: undefined
userData mechanism: undefined
cookieData mechanism: null
localData mechanism: null
globalData mechanism: undefined
sessionData mechanism: null
historyData mechanism: undefined
lsoData mechanism: undefined

So nothing, nada, nichts, nix, niets, nie ma nic,


Thanks for the info, pol

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