Is there a way to see why Avast is blocking certain sites?

After the newest update, it seems Avast has determined that people should not have access to our webmail, citrix-page etc.
We are advising people to either turn off the webshield for 10 mins or add our sites to the exclusion lists.
Is there anyway we can check why Avast suddenly doesn’t like us?
Btw we are a part of the Danish healthcare industry (ie hospitals and institutions), so it’s a bit critical that our employees have access to our system.

What exact version of avast ?
What message does avast give when trying to access the site ?
What is the website (break the link so people can not click on it) ?

The advise you are giving the people is really bad.
That is like saying, sure go ahead take that chainsaw, let it run and hold it against your body.

You can run many scans yourself.
See the link in my signature.

Hi GeNemesis,

Those details are not public but it would help if you could post the URLs here.
You can also use the form to report false positives

the websites all end in
our webmail is on post . rm . dk
our citrix is on citrix . rm . dk or citrixportal . rm . dk

It may be bad advice from your point of view, but our doctors and nurses can’t work without these systems, so the only other “advice” we can give them is to uninstall avast and install another antivirus if they want access to our systems. Thinking that might be overkill :wink:

Unfortunately I haven’t seen the error messages myself, but the users say that it’s recently updated.

The detection is URL:Mal
That means the Domain and/or the IP is blocked.
In this case it seems to be a IP block.
Looking at this last scan I suggest you contact the host and ask them to increase the security.

it will be fixed in next VPS