Is there any "quick guide" to installation options of Avast Free Antivirus?

[b]This post was completely retyped - I moved its old content to the bottom.[/b]

One of Avast team members, @moroni, pointed me to Avast FAQ page:

Unfortunately I can’t find answers to all my questions in FAQ, so I’m typing them below and I hope somebody will answer me.





[tr][td][/td][td]1. Software Updater[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Software Updater is a feature in Avast Antivirus that keeps commonly used third party software up to date to eliminate potential security risks. Malicious threats or attackers often use leaks in outdated software to access your PC. Software Updater displays the most popular programs installed on your PC and allows you to easily update them.[/td][td]
1a) What’s on this list of third party applications by default?
1b) Can I add any app myself to that list?



[tr][td][/td][td]2. Browser Cleanup[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Browser Cleanup is a feature now integrated into Smart Scan and Cleanup. When you run Smart Scan, your PC is scanned for various elements, including poorly rated browser add-ons. If such add-ons are detected, you can click Resolve All to remove them. If you use Cleanup, the Clean option scans for and identifies poorly rated browser add-ons. You can select which add-ons to remove, as well as view reputable add-ons.[/td][td]
2a) How can Browser Cleanup recognize my “poorly rated browser add-ons”?
2b) Does that identification still work even when I disable options connected to privacy such as “Reputation services”, “Enable CyberCapture”, “Participate in the avast! community”, “Participate in data sharing”?
2c) Does Browser Cleanup do anything else beyond deleting “poorly rated browser add-ons”?



[tr][td][/td][td]3. Rescue Disk[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]If you suspect your PC is infected with malware and all other Antivirus scans (including the Boot-time scan) were unable to resolve the issue, you can use Rescue Disk. Rescue Disk enables you to scan your PC when your system is not running. This method significantly increases your chances of detecting and removing malware because the malware is unable to counteract.[/td][td]
3a) What’s the reason to include Rescue Disk as an “hard disk installation” option instead of creating such disk right away during process of installation? If (in future) PC is infected then using Rescue Disk menu option (which was previously installed in the past) makes no sense to me.
3b) What are the advantages of having Rescue Disk installed during process of Avast Free Antivirus installation?



[tr][td][/td][td]4. Wi-Fi Inspector[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Wi-Fi Inspector, formerly known as Home Network Security, scans your network for vulnerabilities and identifies potential security issues that open the door to threats. This feature checks the status of your network, devices connected to the network, and router settings. Wi-Fi Inspector helps you secure your network to prevent attackers from accessing it and misusing your personal data.[/td][td]
4a) I am connected to home network but it’s not Wi-Fi - will Inspector be still useful for me?



[tr][td][/td][td]5. Security / SafePrice browser extensions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]no info[/td][td]
5a) I can’t find any detailed info about them - what are these and what can they offer to me?
5b) What is so special about Security and SafePrice browser extensions what I can not find elsewhere?
5c) If I already have some setup of security add-ons (like Adblock, NoScript, Better Privacy, Beef Taco) do I still need them?



[tr][td][/td][td]6. SecureLine VPN[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Avast SecureLine VPN is an application which enables you to connect to the internet via secure Avast VPN servers using an encrypted tunnel. SecureLine VPN can be used any time you want to connect to the internet with extra security and privacy and is especially recommended when you are connected to a public or unsecured wireless network.[/td][td]
6a) Is this “pay to use” only component and Avast Free Antivirus installator gives me only some trial?



[tr][td][/td][td]7. Passwords[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Passwords is a password manager that allows you to use one Master Password to quickly and safely log into your online accounts and complete web forms. Passwords encrypts and securely stores your sensitive information, and enables you to synchronize your data across all your devices.[/td][td]
7a) Passwords has some “pay to use” Premium option - what are the differences?



[tr][td][/td][td]8. Cleanup[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Cleanup scans for unnecessary items and performance issues to create space on your PC and improve the speed of your system. After a scan, Cleanup offers to remove or resolve any found issues.[/td][td]
8a) Is this “pay to use” only component and Avast Free Antivirus installator gives me only some trial?



[tr][td][/td][td]9. Game Mode[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Game Mode is a new feature in Avast Antivirus that improves the performance of your PC while you game by adjusting system settings and disabling unnecessary apps from running in the background. Each time you run a game, Game Mode automatically detects it and adds it to a list of game entries. When you run games from this list of entries, Game Mode automatically launches.[/td][td]
9a) Is Game Mode a new name for Silent Mode?
9b) How does Game Mode recognize that some application is unnecessary and can be disabled?
9c) What does “disable” mean? Does Game Mode simply kill this process?


[b]Below this line is my previous post before edit.[/b]

When I’m installing Avast Free Antivirus I’m getting selection screen with various installation components divided into three main categories:

Security: File Shield, Behavior Shield, Web Shield, Mail Shield, Software Updater, Browser Cleanup, Rescue Disc, Wi-Fi Inspector, Security browser extension, SafePrice browser extension

Privacy: SecureLine VPN, Passwords

Performance: Cleanup, Game Mode

Is there any wiki-like webpage where I can quickly learn about:
a) what does each component do?
b) which component is completely free to use and which one installs only a free trial?

FAQ section

Also see

@Pondus: Thank you for these links but it seems none of them explains installation options in details I wanted.

PS: Following your 1st link I ended here:

Hi Lexor :slight_smile:

The answer is no.
But imo your suggestion is interesting enough to put forward :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

File Shield, Behavior Shield, Web Shield, nothing else.

Pay attention though , that Avast will try (and succeed) to install some other shields which each and every update, so time to time you may need to clean-up unwanted shields.

OK, so do you recommend only these 3 components to install?

You listed 3 of 4 shields I can see in installator - what are the rest of shields you were talking about that Avast installs them during updates?

I think SecureLine VPN, Passwords and Cleanup are trial only components - am I right? Not sure about the other components.

Does this help:

Partially, yes. :slight_smile: On video some options are switched off but with no detailed explanations “why”. Also, I’m still not 100% sure which components are “pay to use” and which ones are “free to use”.

This video recommends to use all available shields, @John712 recommends only some of them.

What do Browser Cleanup and Security browser extension offer which is better than set of NoScript, Better Privacy, Beef Taco? (I’m not going to use “reputation services”). SafePrice browser extension looks to me (by its name) as it should help during online shopping, but user said that Security browser extension does this function, so I am a little confused.

I’ve read that Software Updater is not so useful in free version of Avast.

What so special in Rescue Disk’s functions?

Does Wi-Fi Inspector do anything else beyond controlling Wi-Fi connection which I do not have?

I used Silent Mode to not be interrupted during gaming on my older PC - is Game Mode a new name for this?

What about ?
If you think something is missing, please let us know and we can add it :wink:

It still mentions the SafeZone Browser which hasn’t been available for some time.

Yes, there are things still not clear for me.

[b]Software Updater[/b] is a feature in Avast Antivirus that keeps commonly used third party software up to date to eliminate potential security risks. Malicious threats or attackers often use leaks in outdated software to access your PC. Software Updater displays the most popular programs installed on your PC and allows you to easily update them.

There is “some list” of third party software - can I add any app myself to that list? Can this list be changed? What’s on default list of applications?

[b]Browser Cleanup[/b] is a feature now integrated into Smart Scan and Cleanup.

When you run Smart Scan, your PC is scanned for various elements, including poorly rated browser add-ons. If such add-ons are detected, you can click Resolve All to remove them.

If you use Cleanup, the Clean option scans for and identifies poorly rated browser add-ons. You can select which add-ons to remove, as well as view reputable add-ons.

How can Browser Cleanup recognize my “poorly rated browser add-ons”? Does that still work even when I disable options connected to privacy such as “Reputation services”, “Enable CyberCapture”, “Participate in the avast! community”, “Participate in data sharing”? Does Browser Cleanup do anything else beyond deleting “poorly rated browser add-ons”?

If you suspect your PC is infected with malware and all other Antivirus scans (including the Boot-time scan) were unable to resolve the issue, you can use [b]Rescue Disk[/b]. Rescue Disk enables you to scan your PC when your system is not running. This method significantly increases your chances of detecting and removing malware because the malware is unable to counteract.

What’s the reason to include Rescue Disk as an “hard disk installation” option instead of creating such disk right away during process of installation? If (in future) PC is infected then using Rescue Disk menu option (which was previously installed in the past) makes no sense to me. What are the advantages of having Rescue Disk installed during process of Avast Free Antivirus installation?

[b]Wi-Fi Inspector[/b], formerly known as Home Network Security, scans your network for vulnerabilities and identifies potential security issues that open the door to threats. This feature checks the status of your network, devices connected to the network, and router settings. Wi-Fi Inspector helps you secure your network to prevent attackers from accessing it and misusing your personal data.

I am connected to home network but it’s not Wi-Fi - will Inspector be still useful?

[b]Security browser extension[/b]
[b]SafePrice browser extension[/b]

I can’t find any detailed info about them - what are these and what can they offer to me? What is so special about Security and SafePrice browser extensions what I can not find elsewhere? If I already have some setup of security add-ons (like Adblock, NoScript, Better Privacy, Beef Taco) do I still need them?

Avast [b]SecureLine VPN[/b] is an application which enables you to connect to the internet via secure Avast VPN servers using an encrypted tunnel. SecureLine VPN can be used any time you want to connect to the internet with extra security and privacy and is especially recommended when you are connected to a public or unsecured wireless network.

Is this “pay to use” only component and Avast Free Antivirus installator gives me only some trial?

[b]Passwords[/b] is a password manager that allows you to use one Master Password to quickly and safely log into your online accounts and complete web forms. Passwords encrypts and securely stores your sensitive information, and enables you to synchronize your data across all your devices.

Passwords has some “pay to use” Premium option - what are the differences?

[b]Cleanup[/b] scans for unnecessary items and performance issues to create space on your PC and improve the speed of your system. After a scan, Cleanup offers to remove or resolve any found issues.

Is this “pay to use” only component and Avast Free Antivirus installator gives me only some trial?

[b]Game Mode[/b] is a new feature in Avast Antivirus that improves the performance of your PC while you game by adjusting system settings and disabling unnecessary apps from running in the background. Each time you run a game, Game Mode automatically detects it and adds it to a list of game entries. When you run games from this list of entries, Game Mode automatically launches.

Is Game Mode a new name for Silent Mode? How does Game Mode recognize that some application is unnecessary and can be disabled? What does “disable” mean? Does Game Mode simply kill this process?

Will I get any answers to my post above or everyone just thinks it’s TLTR? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I’ve already watched this video (you also linked it before) and it still does not answer the questions I have.
PS. It also says “All items with a Lock symbol are part of a PAID product” - for me, even trials are paid products and they do not have Lock symbol (for example SecureLine VPN).

“Free” vs “Paid” is only a small part of my questions - I posted many other questions above which are still not answered.

Is there a reason why you can’t do your own research ???

But I’ve done it already? ???

As you can clearly see above, I quoted official descriptions of Avast components from the pages @moroni (Avast team member) linked - there are no official answers to my questions on Avast FAQ pages and that’s why I posted them here looking for answer.

Moreover, he asked me if something is missing in Avast FAQ - my answer is: yes, a lot.

Then we’ll leave it up to moroni to reply to your inquiry.

I decided to completely retype my questions about components of Avast Free Antivirus - maybe in this new form of table they will be “easier to read”. I’ve also edited the first post of this topic to include them.





[tr][td][/td][td]1. Software Updater[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Software Updater is a feature in Avast Antivirus that keeps commonly used third party software up to date to eliminate potential security risks. Malicious threats or attackers often use leaks in outdated software to access your PC. Software Updater displays the most popular programs installed on your PC and allows you to easily update them.[/td][td]
1a) What’s on this list of third party applications by default?
1b) Can I add any app myself to that list?



[tr][td][/td][td]2. Browser Cleanup[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Browser Cleanup is a feature now integrated into Smart Scan and Cleanup. When you run Smart Scan, your PC is scanned for various elements, including poorly rated browser add-ons. If such add-ons are detected, you can click Resolve All to remove them. If you use Cleanup, the Clean option scans for and identifies poorly rated browser add-ons. You can select which add-ons to remove, as well as view reputable add-ons.[/td][td]
2a) How can Browser Cleanup recognize my “poorly rated browser add-ons”?
2b) Does that identification still work even when I disable options connected to privacy such as “Reputation services”, “Enable CyberCapture”, “Participate in the avast! community”, “Participate in data sharing”?
2c) Does Browser Cleanup do anything else beyond deleting “poorly rated browser add-ons”?



[tr][td][/td][td]3. Rescue Disk[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]If you suspect your PC is infected with malware and all other Antivirus scans (including the Boot-time scan) were unable to resolve the issue, you can use Rescue Disk. Rescue Disk enables you to scan your PC when your system is not running. This method significantly increases your chances of detecting and removing malware because the malware is unable to counteract.[/td][td]
3a) What’s the reason to include Rescue Disk as an “hard disk installation” option instead of creating such disk right away during process of installation? If (in future) PC is infected then using Rescue Disk menu option (which was previously installed in the past) makes no sense to me.
3b) What are the advantages of having Rescue Disk installed during process of Avast Free Antivirus installation?



[tr][td][/td][td]4. Wi-Fi Inspector[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Wi-Fi Inspector, formerly known as Home Network Security, scans your network for vulnerabilities and identifies potential security issues that open the door to threats. This feature checks the status of your network, devices connected to the network, and router settings. Wi-Fi Inspector helps you secure your network to prevent attackers from accessing it and misusing your personal data.[/td][td]
4a) I am connected to home network but it’s not Wi-Fi - will Inspector be still useful for me?



[tr][td][/td][td]5. Security / SafePrice browser extensions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]no info[/td][td]
5a) I can’t find any detailed info about them - what are these and what can they offer to me?
5b) What is so special about Security and SafePrice browser extensions what I can not find elsewhere?
5c) If I already have some setup of security add-ons (like Adblock, NoScript, Better Privacy, Beef Taco) do I still need them?



[tr][td][/td][td]6. SecureLine VPN[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Avast SecureLine VPN is an application which enables you to connect to the internet via secure Avast VPN servers using an encrypted tunnel. SecureLine VPN can be used any time you want to connect to the internet with extra security and privacy and is especially recommended when you are connected to a public or unsecured wireless network.[/td][td]
6a) Is this “pay to use” only component and Avast Free Antivirus installator gives me only some trial?



[tr][td][/td][td]7. Passwords[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Passwords is a password manager that allows you to use one Master Password to quickly and safely log into your online accounts and complete web forms. Passwords encrypts and securely stores your sensitive information, and enables you to synchronize your data across all your devices.[/td][td]
7a) Passwords has some “pay to use” Premium option - what are the differences?



[tr][td][/td][td]8. Cleanup[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Cleanup scans for unnecessary items and performance issues to create space on your PC and improve the speed of your system. After a scan, Cleanup offers to remove or resolve any found issues.[/td][td]
8a) Is this “pay to use” only component and Avast Free Antivirus installator gives me only some trial?



[tr][td][/td][td]9. Game Mode[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]official FAQ[/td][td]my questions[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Game Mode is a new feature in Avast Antivirus that improves the performance of your PC while you game by adjusting system settings and disabling unnecessary apps from running in the background. Each time you run a game, Game Mode automatically detects it and adds it to a list of game entries. When you run games from this list of entries, Game Mode automatically launches.[/td][td]
9a) Is Game Mode a new name for Silent Mode?
9b) How does Game Mode recognize that some application is unnecessary and can be disabled?
9c) What does “disable” mean? Does Game Mode simply kill this process?
