A couple months ago I got some great help from Essexboy. Everything worked great, but one thing has repeatedly happened and it strikes me as very odd.
After I run ccleaner, internet explorer will always have files to delete. The longer I wait, the more files from Internet explorer there are to delete.
This is a problem because I don’t use internet explorer at all. I use google chrome. And even if I use no browser for a few minutes, ccleaner will find files to delete…
What is odd is, the longer I wait, the the large the amount of files. To be clear, while I am waiting I am not using any browser or actively using any programs.
Earlier this evening, I ran CCleaner after not running it for a couple weeks. It found 400,000kb files on Chrome. It found nearly 3 MILLIONkb in internet explorer.
I’ve recently ran exhaustive avast antivirus boot scans and malwarebytes, yet the problem still remains.
Can you guys tell me, is this a virus or am I just not understanding something?