Avast for mac when running inside MacOS Lion on my Mac, detects a new virus each time I do a new snapshot of my virtual machine (windows 7) when I use Oracle VirtualBox 4.1.12
Infection details:
Win32:Small-HUF [Trj]
/Users/ola/VirtualBox VMs/win7/Snapshots/2012-05-05T13-59-28-524407000Z.sav
I suspect this is to be some false alarm by avast?
It’s very annoying, because if I delete this file, then my virtual windows 7 machine used with VirtualBox will fail to open anymore and be useless.
If I just save the machine state, when running VirtualBox, then no new viruses are detected, it happens only when a new snapshot is created in VirtualBox.
Any information conserning this is much appreciated!
/ O