Found this site while i was searching for answers to my other problem in this forum, google came back with only 3 results for one of the nasties c:kybrdff_e58 , 2 of which were the same site. Thi site claims it can get rid of all these infections with one download. Is this for real? www. prevx dot com . I figured cause it’s only a new detection- (1st noticed yesterday 17/11) it might just be a dodgy site to further infect pc. Can anyone check it out for me? Let me know what they think.
prevx is legitimate. Whether it can do all it promises in this instance I don’t know, but it won’t further infect you.
Thanks. Is it user friendly? The site itself isn’t much help.
I haven’t used it in a long time, but when I did it was OK. It gets a bit annoying when you install new software because it asks you to confirm each and every registry change, but you can just disable it while youre installing somthing you know is safe.
If you search this forum for prevx you’ll probably find quite a lot on the subject, mostly positive.
Hi “Pan” :
Prevx has a Support Forum on the highly regarded "Castlecops" located at :
Should check there for further info .
However, Prevx is a "HIPS" type program and it would be wise to read the info at : .
I’ve used PrevX in the past… it was a freeware. Now, that it becomes a shareware, never more…
System Safety Monitor or other good HIPS tools we’ll do the job for free.
PrevX, no more, thanks.
c:kybrdff_e58 ,Alcan see here
Thanks guys. As i said was looking at using it only for malware removal. Was kinda hoping it would be an easy alternative.
I had a looksie on the castle cops forums- but those guys are good style computer geeks ,lol, and i struggle to understand some of their lingo what i can follow is very helpful though, cheers.
thanks all for your help with this one.
Unfortunately in my experience Prevxx does not remove all the elements of the malware, something is always left behind. But the Alcan removal at G2G will remove the majority of it quickly and render it harmless