Is this Virus Definitions Updating option as good as it sounds?

Is this Virus Definitions Updating option as good as it sounds?
This is the February 6, 2012 avast Virus Definitions from MajorGeeks.

How does this work?
Say that when I went this past Saturday to my niece’s house and downloaded avast with her High Speed Internet … could I have just downloaded this as well and BAMM! Updated my avast at Warp Speed instead of having to download Virus Definitions for hours after an avast reinstall? Is this how that works?

The avast auto-update function uses incremental updates. So the download size of new definitions is less than the 50 MB at your link. It’s about a few 100kb.


Well it is pretty cr4p really as it is for the avast4 VPS full Update.

Auto Incremental updates will always be the preferred option as it will be much less that this, downloading of the full virus definitions database.

Yes, it works, and in the official website you have updates for avast 4, and for 5/6. It is used for offline systems that are not able to download automatically and directly to the avast installation, or for updating MANY systems, instead of each system downloading the same few 100KB.

The problem being the link given is for majorgeeks and avast 4 virus definitions.

No David, the link is valid for both, avast 4 and avast 5/6. The text says “avast 4”, but both downloads are available. For avast 4, the download is at the end of the text.

Did you actually check the majorgeeks link that was posted in the very first post as that is what I’m referring to.

It is clearly for avast 4 as the page is dated from 2006 and is specifically for vpsupd40.exe, which is about as much use a a chocolate ash tray for avast 6.


This is unusual coming from you ;D.

The page is updated almost daily. You screenshot shows:

The download link after the text says that you can ALSO download the update for avast 4. Meaning, using the normal “download” link in the upper - right part of the page, you should be able to downlaod the latest VPS for avast 5/6.

ady4um is correct, David. You read that incorrectly. It is NOT from 2006.
It is 2012 02-06

I guess the bottom line that I am extracting is that it will work … but, I’d wind up with a bloated avast.
And conceivably slowing down my system in the process.

The link for version 4 updates at majorgeeks is dead. You can get it here though.

How are you getting that? You get the same exact avast, whether you download the full VPS or the normal online updates. Same final files, same versions, same protection, same final size. The difference is that the full offline download is 50MB to download, and the partial online updates are a few KB.

Alrighty then … if you’re absolutely sure that the end result is the EXACT SAME Virus Definitions and the only difference is that with one option, the Virus Definitions are downloaded in a huge ONE Shot deal and with the other option, the Updates are of course incremental … then I MUST try this option out the next time around. It’ll sure beat HOURS of downloading the Updates after an avast reinstall.

Thanks for confirming the option as a valid alternative. :slight_smile:

NP. In some very rare situations, you might need to reboot after the update, but this is generally unneeded.

What is your internet connection if it takes HOURS?


My Internet Connection, right there in my Signature … AOL Dial Up. :o

Also if your internet connection is dial up (with 56kb?) it shouldn’t take hours. Only a few minutes.


The page date aside, The main download locations button failed for me (when I was checking it) and I see no other download link other than the one I highlighted which is for avast4. That is why I posted the image showing the file name that would be downloaded from that link.

Going to the main avast download link shows the different file names for the different versions, if you attempt to download them, image.

The reason I’m made a big deal of it, if you download avast 4 VPS it won’t install on avast5/6 and you would have wasted the time

Personally I couldn’t give a stuff one way or another but the last thing I would like to see is someone with a really slow download connection downloading a 50MB file only to find it is the wrong one. Which is why it is always better to go directly to the source, to download the Full VPS update, where it is clear what you are downloading.

Oh, I definitely wouldn’t download that 50 Meg File with my Dial Up.
My plan is that when I periodically go to my niece’s house or my sister’s house to use their High Speed Internet to download avast and other Apps … I’ll take advantage right then and there and download that 50 Meg avast Virus Updates File.

Using their High Speed Internet, downloading avast takes 2 or 3 minutes.
So, downloading that 50 Meg Virus Updates File should take slightly less since it’s slightly smaller than avast Anti-Virus.

I don’t know yet whether when I do eventually try it I’ll try the MajorGeeks link or the link over at avast as they both come avast Servers.
What I like about the MajorGeeks link is that there is a DATE associated with that one right up front.
The link in the avast Downloads area, while it gives one more peace of mind, I believe I didn’t see a date associated with it.

JFYI, I have used those links (not today). The big “download” link on the upper - right side of the page works for avast 5/6. Immediately after that it gives you a link to the “manufacturer’s site” (avast). And the last (lower) link DavidR showed in his attachment clearly says that “you can also download the database for avast 4 here” (or something of that sort).

They provide updated links and downloads for the updated databases for all major security tools almost every day.

BTW, comparing the download sizes there should be easy for anyone when they announce the updates one after the other in their main page, and avast needs the smallest download of all.

Yeah, that’s the one I had clicked on before, the one that says:
Download @ Author’s Site

just to see what the source would be and it WAS an avast Server.