Is uploaded Backup data encrypted when stored on Google drive?

I looked around on this forum a bit and didn’t see the answer to my question. I’m a current Avast PC user and have been using the free Android app as well, and am thinking of upgrading to the pay version of the Mobile product.

But I don’t trust Google with my data privacy, and only use their services when absolutely necessary. I understand that the Mobile Backup uses Google drive, and I don’t like the idea of putting any of my data un-encrypted on any Google system. So is this data encrypted before, during transit and afterwards for final storage on Google drive? If so, who has the keys, can the user set them?
Also, if encrypted, what algorithms are used?

I’ve also seen mention that eventually there will be other network storage providers available for Mobile Backup. Who are these and do you have a release schedule for them?

[b]August 15, 2013[/b]

Google Cloud Storage now provides server-side encryption.

Each Cloud Storage object’s data and metadata is encrypted under the 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-128), and each encryption key is itself encrypted with a regularly rotated set of master keys. Of course, if you prefer to manage your own keys then you can still encrypt data yourself prior to writing it to Cloud Storage.

Read on here!

Enjoy, Z. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am not sure what good server side encryption does. It might protect from 3rd parties but not from Google as they have the key.

Also short search shows this is not for our free accounts

"Google said on its Cloud Platform blog that it is now providing server-side encryption for customers of its Google Cloud Storage service. Not to be confused with the consumer-based Google Drive, it’s a cloud computing storage service for software developers similar to Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3). "