Is your pop-up blocker efficient?

Hello folks,

Put your pop-up blocker to the test. Go here:



IE 6 Pop-up blocker with Medium sensivity…

Test Results for your Popup Blocker
Pop up blocker test results
Normal popup blocking = Passed
Full-screen popup blocking = Passed
Channel-opener popup blocking = Passed
Modeless dialog blocking = Passed
Browser window popup blocking = Passed
User-launched HREF-method popup allowing = Passed
User-launched JavaScript-method popup allowing = Passed
User-launched OnClick-method popup allowing = Passed
User-launched Delayed-method popup allowing = Passed

You scored 100 , a rating of Outstanding!

I’m surprised! ;D

Well It doesn’t even get started with NoScript blocking javascript ;D

Just using firefox’s bog standard pop-up blocker (and having temporarily allowed javascript) 95% (User-launched Delayed-method popup allowing = Failed), but not overly concerned.


That is exactly what happened to me using “Flock” browser with no script. Had to temp allow the site to load then I got the same results you did, 95% with the same feature failing. So, guess F.F. and Flock both being Mozilla based act basically the same way. :slight_smile: