Issue with windows 10 search for updates

While Windows 10 (Windows 10 Pro) is serching for updates, Avast 21.8.2487 (Build 21.8.6586.700) makes my PC very slow for 30 minutes

Update to the latest version (21.9):

Unfotunatly the update did not help

Update to the latest version (21.11):

It did not help either

  • Which Avast…? (Free/Premium/One)
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?

What makes you think the delay is Avast related?


Please uninstall Avast and see if the issue continues.
If it does not, please submit a performance recording.