Avast team please contact Comodo. They are autosandboxing scripts from your browser by converting them to *.bat files. When Avast SafeZone is opened, i receive 20 notifications (that’s the limit per app in Windows 10) from Comodo that they have “Run Virtually” batches. I guess that their software meses up with yours and you would like to contact them. Meanwhile i have turned off “Embedded code detection”.
PS.: They always seem to need a little bit of a “thrust” to make the right decisions and fix their software.
[quote="bob3160 post:2, topic:734264"]
Maybe it's time to kiss the Dragon farewell ???
I'm sorry but English is not my native language can you describe what you meant? Urban dictionary has a very ....... definition. :D
No other has auto containment. I just want someone to tell them to fix their “Embedded code detection” feature to sandbox scripts only from untrusted applications. When a company tells them that they break their products they will be more likely to listen compared to the regular users.