Hello DavidR, VLK and all other Forum participants that may wish to respond,
I am the visually impaired gentleman who posted about the Avast self-defence Module two years ago. I want to bring up two issues that I am presently having with the first build of Avast 2015: Avast 2015.10.0.2206.
The first issue is that I am discovering that whenever I open the Avast user interface window, the streaming updates feature becomes automatically disabled. I have to reenable the streaming updates feature in order to get the virus definitions to work properly. I guess as a result of the streaming updates feature being disabled that the virus definitions are not set to automatically update themselves. I also have to reenable the virus definitions to automatically update every time I open Avast. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling a fresh copy of Avast 2015 but the Streaming Updates feature still seems to automatically disable itself whenever the Avast user interface is opened.
The next issue is that the Avast user interface window refuses to close when I press Alt+F4. Usually in any Windows application pressing Alt+F4 will close the current application window. In fact, the Avast user interface seems to open three windows when I just want it to open one. Pressing Alt+F4 repeatedly does not close any Avast user interface windows. I do not want to disable Avast altogether but it would be nice to be able to press Alt+F4 to close the Avast user interface whenever I’m finished working with it since in the past I’ve always been able to close the Avast user interface window by just pressing Alt+F4.
Does anybody know of any program updates to Avast 2015 which are coming out in the near future to fix these issues? I should tell you my operating system is Windows 7 Pro Service Pack 1 and I’m using JAWS for Windows 14.0.9002.
Any help that anybody can give me with these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Two years?
That is quiet some time ago.
If you haven’t encountered any problems in that time, it is a good thing.
Welcome back I would say.
I’ve tested things without JAWS installed and everything is working fine for me.
My guess is that your problems have something to do with JAWS.
I hope someone from avast or another user that has JAWS installed will do some testing and find a solution.
Thanks for your reply. I know that the Streaming Updates get disabled when I go into the Avast user interface because I check to see if the virus definitions have been updated which they always have been when I boot into Windows. I notice that the sound and voice that says “Avast virus definitions have been updated” is no longer working either. I know that the virus definitions are being updated at startup because I always check to make sure. I always love hearing that voice, it reassures me that Avast is doing its job.
It’s just that for some reason JAWS is saying that the streaming updates are not checked and that a connection isn’t established with the server.
Could it be possible that the Streaming updates feature is working after all and JAWS is just telling me that it’s not working when it is working after all?
I’m sure I’ll hear from others who may have JAWS for Windows and maybe they can suggest ways to work with Avast and JAWS. Thanks Eddy
Since version 2015 you indeed do not hear the voice anymore if a vps has update has taken place,
although the option to enable/disable it is still there.
Something that should be fixed in my opinion.
Since the updates do take place I tend to say that you don’t have to worry about them.
A thing that I like you to do is checking a couple of hours after booting the system to see if another vps has taken place.
If there is a second vps update that day, the vps number will end with -1
Depending on when avast is rolling out the second update it can be you boot in the morning and only get it in the evening.
So please leave your system on and check if you get another update.
That way we will be sure the update part is working.
About JAWS I can only guess.
It could be JAWS is checking if the update(s) have been installed before avast is done installing them.
Thanks Eddy. I will leave my system on for a few hours and check after two or three hours sometime this weekend to see if the vps updates are being installed. I know I set the Avast program to use the voice to let me know when the vps has been updated. It would be really nice to get that voice back again to make us all feel safe online, knowing that Avast is indeed updating the vps!
I’ll let you know in a few days if the vps updating is indeed working.
The vps is indeed updating on a regular basis and it always gets updated when the system is started. Usually I find that there are only one or two vps updates a day where I live. I also notice that the system tray icon for avast always says my system is secure. Guess I’m better off not going into the avast user interface using JAWS for the time being since JAWS seems to uncheck the enable streaming updates feature. I guess I’ll leave well enough alone until there is a future update for Avast. I find usually with program updates to avast that JAWS behaves a lot better. I’ll always check the system tray though to make sure my system is indeed still secure. Hopefully in the next update that avast will fix the audio so that the voice lets us know that the vps has been updated.