We stop pushing updates for 3.6.14 because it breaks many Java applets (especially Pogo.com games). It was also crashier. We'll be respinning builds soon with those two fixes and pushing out 3.6.15
Interesting, though I would test this out by using secunia.com Online Software Inspector (OSI) scan, which uses a JAVA applet and it is running right now. I elected for the thorough scan to give it a full work out and see what happens.
Completed successfully, JRE 6 update 24 and firefox 3.6.14.
Glad to hear that still works. The problem is usually manifested when an applet is started a second time before Firefox is restarted, which can be a big problem for some online games, e.g. pogo.com. I wonder if OSI would work twice, but most people don’t want to run it a second time right away.
Problem loading java applet (see image, I have actually had this in the past with other java and firefox versions), clicked the OK button and then tried clicking Start, but still a problem.
Clicked the browser page Refresh button and that loaded the java applet, reported success, clicked the Start button and off it went. Just did the standard check this time and this completed successfully, image2.