I am getting “Java:Malware-gen [Trj]” warning. Avast is showing one by one endlessly. It is a big pain. It is related to my Thunderbird. No idea what I can do about it. Tried different anti-malware soft which did not help.
It’s telling you that you have an email that contains JAVA scripts/Malware generating scripts/ Trojan.
Pondus is correct, open you email thru webmail or website and delete it(the one from the 2nd screenshot).
Bonjour / Hi
I have exactly the same issue here.
I get a message from avast, which popup every 15seconds that it found a problem on one email on my outlook file.
I searched on my webmail to find the problematic email, but I’m not able to find it anywhere (I looked deeply I promise)
Avast said to run the complete test, I made it 10 times. But message continue to showing up.
Is someone who can help me please please please ?
Your screenshot say it is moved to chest / quarantine, and you don't find it in webmail, then in my mind this indicate a sync problem that should be cleared if you empty cache .... have worked for others
I found this problem like you all so the Avast show "Threat secured" We'vd moved Main$1656_.class to your virus chest because it was infected with Java:Malware-gen[Trj].
when I click on detail it will show
File path : Incoming email ‘FW:swift copy’ From"Monica Costia" monica_costia8827@gmail.com
Process : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\outlook.exe
deteted by : Mail shield
Status : moved to virus chest
but this warning will open in 15 sec. So how can I disable this warning and I need to make sure
Avast can kill this Java:Malware or not. I use malwarebyte for scan and use Avast internet secure with full scan but not found this Malware in my computer.
buy Avast show warning in 15 sec. so please advised how to fix ?