Java query

Me again…sorry in advance… :slight_smile:

Checking add/remove and found I have…J2SE runtime environment 5.0 update 3 117.00mb

JS2E runtime environment 5.0 update 4 118.00mb

Java runtime environment 1.1 5.47mb

Do I really need all of them… ???

Just leave them there and don’t worry Susz. :wink: I believe those earlier versions are overwriten by new ones, it’s just there are some Add-remove programs entries left behind… no extra disk space used anyway, so no need to worry.

On second thought… I’ve been doing some searching and it looks like there is actually some extra space being used by those old updates… Of course, that’s not necessary and practically waste of your HD space. I just uninstalled all earlier updates and everything works fine. So, in your case, uninstall all other versions except the most recent one which is

JS2E runtime environment 5.0 update 4 118.00mb (that one should stay)

See here:

I think i have the same question.Those are the installed java updates(look the picture).Do I need to uninstall them and to leave only the last 118 mb.

Neron yes just leave the last one JS2E runtime environment 5.0 update 4 118.00mb remove the others should be OK!

Should i leave the first file.I’m not sure because it’s not an update as the other files update 2 and 4.

Erase everything except UPDATE 4. I believe I pointed in my screenshot so everybody should be able to easy understand… at least I tried. The one (first one in your list) is the very first one… it has no updates, it’s initial installation… you don’t need it. What you need is latest update. It just says update, but actually it’s a whole program plus updates… :wink:

5.0 is just program version without those updates…

Thanks Sasha…much appreciated… :slight_smile:

In future, it’s probably easiest to simply uninstall any Sun java you already have, then install the new one. Too bad it doesn’t work like some other well-behaved programs, checking for existing installations and offering to uninstall them before installing the new one and/or only adding update-patches.

Unfortunately each update/upgrade to the RTE is written so that it’s handled as essentially a patch to earlier versions and added to them, even though it’s a stand-alone. That’s one of several things many of us wish Sun would clean up their act about (the other is that notorious “Check now for updates” which never works).

I’d recommend downloading (via the Manual Download link) what they call the offline version. That way it can just sit in your downloads folder while you do the rest of the cleanup.

(Afterthought) Incidentally, if you make use of the applet caching (very handy if you’e not critically tight on disk space), deleting the old version won’t affect those and they’ll still (usually) be recognized by the new installation. That probably means they’re in Docs & Settings, rather than the program folder.

Ok,I have only update 4 on the pc.Hope everything will be OK :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

It will I deleted the old versions as I install the new and as you can seee my sutyterm iz wurlong purfoctli )(&^)

Majny Tooowo !!! Thaaa2aNk Goddd thuyis formum duuun’t neEd JAvvvvvvvva En36^%^%#Abljed… ;D