Hi. Firstly I’d like to point out I’m a bit of a computer novice.
My computer recently found a lot of Java/Openstream, Java Midesq.A, Java CVE-2010-0840 and Java CVE-2008-5353 files.
I used Windows Security Essentials which said it got rid of them but I worry there might still be some files on there that it didn’t detect. I’m also worried about what damage they may have done in the time between them going onto my PC and me detecting them (a good few weeks). What kind of thing do these files do exactly? Any help would be appreciated.
If these detection names are from MSE, then go here, enter the name in top right corner and search http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal/
The malware types that exploits a vulnerability can usually not do any harm if you keep software and OS updated with the latest fix
check for outdated software with secunia online scanner
also Check for malware with this
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.50.1 http://filehippo.com/download_malwarebytes_anti_malware/
always update so you have the latest signatures before you scan
click on the remove selected button to quarantine anything found
you may post the scan log here if anything is found
I used Windows Security Essentials which said it got rid of them.....do you have avast and MSE installed ?
Yeah, avast never detected them though. It was only when I got security essentials that I found out about them.
Thanks for your help by the way.
then it may be False Positives bc you are running two AV programs
Never install two antivirus (see reply from quietman7)