O thank goodness for Avast!
This morning I went to my own site and got the Shield, protecting me from this redirector. WHAT??? On my OWN site?? So using my FTP program, I viewed the source on both my own computer and on the host’s server. There it was, that “unescape” script.
Called godaddy, and then replaced the index.html with a clean file. They advised me to change my password to something harder to crack, that they have good security on the servers and the only way it could be changed it by hacking my pw.
But question is this: Yesterday I was doing a massive backup of everything and while I was copying over some of the files from my site, I got the Avast warning about this particular trojan. Not having seen it before, I told it each time to move it to the Chest.
When it’s moved to the Chest, is the entire file deleted from my computer, or just the trojan deleted from the file?
And since I was copying from C: to G:, is the C: file still infected? Am running a complete scan now.
I have hundreds of pages for the site and it will take me days to figure it all out, clean them up, re-upload, etc., unless there are some easy ways to check them out and clean them.
How about this? If I do a global search and replace for “unescape” in the html files, would that disable the js? Or does the infection make garbage out of the page anyway?
I noticed when comparing the html on my own computer and up on the server, the one on my own computer looked normal, but on the server all the coding was scrunched up into one barely readable paragraph! This is for the index.html file. The ones that came up with a warning while I was copying them were many of the internal files. Many! 
Thanks for all your help a few days ago on a different thread. I will be going back over to that thread and thanking everyone there. I’ve been “down” for a few days because MS gave me bad advice – REALLY bad advice – so I go no longer even boot up. Three “technicians” in a row complicated my situation so I had no computer! ;( I’ve gotten so many calls now from MS, apologizing!