Avast 4.8 has stopped and quarantined this trojan each time I visit one Php boards to which I belong. I can find nothing regarding it using “search”. The board display contains more than half a dozen lines of Php debug warnings where the banner used to be and the text display has visually doubled in size.
It’s look like your website has been injected by trojan which is will direct the vulnerability user to download malicious software without notification.
As i try it with others link (you may see my capture screenshoot)
The trojan was in the shared server that hosts the web site and not in the web site itself. Because the server administrators could be notified that the trojan was present, they corrected the matter.
The web site has been changed to a “read only” format so that the chance of future problems has been reduced.
I honestly don’t believe that the site being read only is going to cut it as you have to allow write permission for certain groups, e.g. the owner to be able to modify the site.
The other issue is that if there are dynamic pages or content, where a page is constructed on the fly so to speak the content management software has to be able to do that. The most common route of entry for hacked sites is the exploitation of old (vulnerable) versions of content management software, PHP, SQL, WordPress, etc.
So if you use any of that software on your site you or the Host (whoever is responsible for its provision) has to ensure they have the latest version closing any vulnerabilities in the old version.