“The Federal Trade Commission won a huge antispam victory in court yesterday, with a federal courts in Chicago’s order to freeze the assets of a botnet spam group generally known as HerbalKing.”
Major spam bust fails to result in sustained drop in spam
...Unfortunately, that relief did not materialize. Investigations of the relevant time period show no visible decrease in spam mail traffic, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. Security company IronPort reported some 142 billion spam messages were sent on Sunday, which represents a normal drop for a non-weekday. For the week, spam volume dropped from 90.9 percent to 89.7 percent of all e-mail, but a 1.2 percent shift could easily represent little more than background noise.
The Herald has theorized that control of the botnet may have shifted from one organization/group to another…
Thanks, I contribute when and where I can. There’s not much here on the Avast forums for me personally anymore, but I seem to be the go to guy in the family, or neighborhood, for all things computers, including Windows, so I try to stay up to date by reading here occasionally…