Does anyone know why your desk top icon for avast would chage from the orange blob (you know the normal shape),to the generic icon (the square non avast shape). Mine did this morning,but if I click on it, it still opens my avast UI,if I go to where avast is in my computer files it shows the normal avast icon,if I ask to send it to my desk top it then changes to the generic one I mentioned earlier. I did a full scan and nothings wrong,I have the latest updates and program. I know this isn’t earth shattering,I also did a reboot with no luck,hell I’m just happy the avast works OK. I forget to add,the normal avast icon is in the tray at the bottom of my screen. Forget to add,its the desk top short cut thats doing this.
Mine’s fine. Have you ran a scan with MBAM?
I doubt you will find anything, but an MBAM scan won’t hurt.
If MBAM is the same as malwarebytes,then yes I did a full scan with negative results. What I have done is in the avast folder in my computer I copied the “avastUI” icon and sent it to my desh top and it opens the UI just fine. I’m just wondering why the icon changed. Just wondering if I did a “avast repair” if this would correct it. Just so everyone knows I didn’t add any programs,D/L anything,or otherwise change any settings prior to this happening. Like I said avast still works OK,just one of those small things that makes me wonder.
You always have the option of doing a repair.
A repair might be your answer.
Yes, MBAM is MalwareBytes.
I just wanted you to double check.
That has happened to me in the past (on a desktop) and I pretty much did what you stated. I deleted the generic from desktop and sent the icon from the Folder to the desktop.
The odd time that happened, the functioning of the software program was not effected and I never concerned myself.
Anyway, just a similar situation.
You can also right-click on the shortcut, go to the shortcut tab → change icon
Shut the computer down for a few hours and low and behold,the icon is back the way it should be,oh well,all is right,thanks for the replies all.