Just got latest update, but email address is wrong.

Avast wants to send me an email to confirm the latest update, but somehow you got it spelled wrong.
When I try to change / correct in in my profile I am prevented by your software.
You have it as coc.net.
How can I fix this?

Well, never mind. I fixed it. I started Avast which was downloaded today, and at the screen where they tried to
send a confirmation to the wrong address, some fine print at the bottom of the screen allowed me to change the address. Looks like all is OK.

One, I would suggest you remove or obfuscate yore email address in a publicly available forum, unless you are partial to spam.

You can’t change your email in the forum profile as that is set in your my.avast.com account. So you will have to login to your my.avast.com account and Manage emails and either add a new email address (the correct one) or correct the incorrect email address. If creating a new email address, after validation you then set that as the default email address.

Avast would only get that email address from what you entered when you registered your avast installation.

I tried what you said, went to my.avast.com and requested they send me a new download. I hit “Send” and it said it was sent successfully, but it never showed up in my mailbox. So I ran an older install .exe which nicely brought up a question about do I want the latest, and it looked like something downloaded, but at the end I got HTTP error 403.
What do I try next?

I don’t understand what you have done as what you explained doesn’t appear to be the same (Bold and Italic text are my highlighting).

That isn’t creating a new email address and setting that as the default - so my guess on not receiving any email is because it is being sent to the email typo address.

Installing and or updating the program, won’t change the bad email address.