To all the staff at Avast, congratulations on this fantastic update, definitely worth waiting for… One quick question, on my mobile, when i issue a locate command, it automatically turns on wifi. The phone is not rooted and is running ICS, is it possible for GPS to also be turned on without having to root the phone
GPS is automatically turned on when issuing a “locate” command. You don’t need root for that.
chrismalla - its possible until Android 2.3 when Google turned of that interfaces. From Android 2.3 on you’ll need a rooted installation.
Thats right, when i issue the command, i am able to view the phone and wifi is turned on ( hence giving location ). IF it can turn wifi on, why not GPS, or do i need to root it to make it work properly.
wifi works without root, GPS unfortunately doesnt (from Android 2.3 on)
What?! Can’t applications get the device location using the android.location API?
I think the talk here is about automatically enabling GPS when it is disabled in device Settings.