Just tried to update program from v.4.7 to 4.8 using a right-click menu at the tray icon. Then i got a red line in circle on icon and ‘7 providers, 0 running’. When tried to start provider manually got ‘the selected provider was not initialized. the operation cannon be finished’ in red colour. Please tell me how to make avast alive again!!
Thanks in advance
I would suggest a clean install.
Download the latest version of avast http://www.avast.com/eng/download-avast-home.html and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again. Use that when you reinstall.
Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, find it here and save it to your HDD.
- Now uninstall (using add remove programs, if you can’t do that start from the next step), reboot.
- run the avast! Uninstall Utility, reboot.
- install the latest version, reboot.
Do you have any other antivirus in this computer? Had in the past?
DavidR, thank you, I did it. The problem remains the same.
Tech, no, I have registered here a year ago, there were no antiviruses on my machine before
run a manual update and then schedule a boot time scan
run an antispyware scan
those that know more if it is a problem internal with avast are following this thread
I’m looking for an external cause
maybe a simple explanation or…
post up your os, firewall, browser, other software
for instance if one had changed their firewall and by mistake installed a suite this could happen
you could check your start at boot list and running programs lists to see if something is interfering
or we can get to that later
there is a post by frewhelingfrank with more detailed instructions here
just did an antispyware scan with adaware. problem persists
win xp sp2, firefox 3, zonealarm 7.0.470
I’m afraid adaware is no longer in the premier league of anti-spyware applications.
SUPERantispyware On-Demand only in free version. Or Spyware Terminator Resident scanner (if you use this don’t install the toolbar or crawler or the anti-virus module).
What other security applications do you have besides adaware ?
Windows Start, Run and type services.msc, check that the services in the images are setup as per the image. note there are two that are supposed to be Manual startup type.
Could be a HOSTS problem?
Can you ping the files.avast.com server?
DavidR, just did a scan with superantispyware and checked services, all is ok here and avast is still dead.
I have a firewall Zonealarm.
Tech, server was pinged successfully but what is HOSTS problem?
Does it allow avast.setup internet access ?
- If it does delete the entry for it and do a manual update, this will force the firewall to ask permission again.
The ping is just a connection test and proves it isn’t blocked in the hosts file. In windows there is a HOSTS file this can be used to block malicious sites, but the bad guys can also use it to block anti-virus sites to stop you removing their scum.
See this for a more detailed explanation on the HOSTS file, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_file
When trying to update program got Avast Antivirus setup window with a word ‘summary’ and BLANK window! When trying to update iAVS got a little window Avast antivirus setup with a red cross and ‘Access denied’ text!
16.07.2008 20:07:34 general: Started: 16.07.2008, 20:07:34
16.07.2008 20:07:34 general: Running setup_av_pro-4b1 (1201)
16.07.2008 20:07:34 system: Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2]
16.07.2008 20:07:34 system: Memory: 70% load. Phys:152076/523748K free, Page:1131828/1513520K free, Virt:2068180/2097024K free
16.07.2008 20:07:34 system: Computer WinName: COMP
16.07.2008 20:07:34 system: Windows Net User: COMP\M&M
16.07.2008 20:07:34 general: Cmdline: /downloadpkgs /noreboot /updatevps /silent /progress
16.07.2008 20:07:34 general: DldSrc set to inet
16.07.2008 20:07:34 general: Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES
16.07.2008 20:07:34 general: Old version: 4b1 (1201)
16.07.2008 20:07:34 system: Using temp: C:\DOCUME~1\M&M\LOCALS~1\Temp_av_proI.tm~a03668 (1170M free)
16.07.2008 20:07:34 general: SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
16.07.2008 20:07:34 internet: SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/4.80 (av_pro-1201;p)
16.07.2008 20:07:34 system: Computer DnsName: comp
16.07.2008 20:07:34 system: Computer Ip Addr:
16.07.2008 20:07:34 system: Installed in: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4 (1170M free)
16.07.2008 20:07:34 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
16.07.2008 20:07:34 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
16.07.2008 20:07:34 package: Part prg_av_pro-4b1 is installed
16.07.2008 20:07:34 package: Part vps-8061101 is installed
16.07.2008 20:07:34 package: Part news-4b is installed
16.07.2008 20:07:34 package: Part setup_av_pro-4b1 is installed
16.07.2008 20:07:34 package: Part jrog-3e is installed
16.07.2008 20:07:35 general: Old version: 4b1 (1201)
16.07.2008 20:07:35 file: SetExistingFilesBitmap: 1054->154->154
16.07.2008 20:07:35 general: GUID: 6cc5ee62-705f-485f-917d-2121885730db
16.07.2008 20:07:36 general: Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 184 (maintenance:0)
16.07.2008 20:07:36 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download647 AVAST Server’ from ‘main’
16.07.2008 20:07:36 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
16.07.2008 20:07:36 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
16.07.2008 20:07:36 general: Entered SetupProcessPro::Do( INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES )
16.07.2008 20:07:36 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32Avast::Do( INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES )
16.07.2008 20:07:36 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32::Do( INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES )
16.07.2008 20:07:36 general: Entered SetupProcess::Do( INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES )
16.07.2008 20:07:36 general: progress thread start
16.07.2008 20:07:36 internet: SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/4.80 (av_pro-1201;f)
16.07.2008 20:07:45 internet: Used server: http://download647.avast.com/iavs4x
16.07.2008 20:07:45 internet: Used server: http://download647.avast.com/iavs4x
16.07.2008 20:07:45 file: GetFileWithRetry: servers.def.vpu downloaded .
16.07.2008 20:07:46 file: GetNewerStampedFile:compatCopyFile failed: C:\DOCUME~1\M&M\LOCALS~1\Temp_av_proI.tm~a03668\onefile, C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\servers.def.vpu, error: 0x00000005
16.07.2008 20:07:46 package: Download servers.def, servers.def.vpu failed with error 0x20000011.
16.07.2008 20:07:46 internet: Used server: http://download647.avast.com/iavs4x
16.07.2008 20:07:53 internet: Used server: http://download647.avast.com/iavs4x
16.07.2008 20:07:53 file: GetFileWithRetry: servers.def downloaded .
16.07.2008 20:07:53 file: GetNewerStampedFile:compatCopyFile failed: C:\DOCUME~1\M&M\LOCALS~1\Temp_av_proI.tm~a03668\onefile, C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\servers.def, error: 0x00000005
16.07.2008 20:07:53 package: Tried to download servers.def but failed with error 0x00000005.
16.07.2008 20:07:53 general: Err:Îòêàçàíî â äîñòóïå.
then a blank Summary window again.
Hosts file has 1 string: localhost
Firewall allowed avast.setup access. Deleting the entry does nothing, problem persists.
Did ZA ask again when you tried to do a manual update, it should if you deleted have as it doesn’t have an entry for avast.setup ?
However it does seem to be connecting as the download is failing.
16.07.2008 20:07:46 package: Download servers.def, servers.def.vpu failed with error 0x20000011. 16.07.2008 20:07:46 internet: Used server: http://download647.avast.com/iavs4x 16.07.2008 20:07:53 internet: Used server: http://download647.avast.com/iavs4x 16.07.2008 20:07:53 file: GetFileWithRetry: servers.def downloaded . 16.07.2008 20:07:53 file: GetNewerStampedFile:compatCopyFile failed: C:\DOCUME~1\M&M\LOCALS~1\Temp\_av_proI.tm~a03668\onefile, C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\servers.def, error: 0x00000005 16.07.2008 20:07:53 package: Tried to download servers.def but failed with error 0x00000005. 16.07.2008 20:07:53 general: Err:Îòêàçàíî â äîñòóïå.
You could try a forum search for the above error codes (in red) in the forums and see if it brings any light to the subject.
However the error number 0x00000005 is windows error 5 = Access is denied, which is a little strange.
The last one a general error with no standard characters is beyond me.
Clutching at straws here try disabling the avast self-defence module and try an iAVS update again, avast! Program Settings, Troubleshooting.
Yes, ZA asked again…
The Avast self-defence module seems not to be able to disable… When checking that box and close and then come again in program settings-troubleshooting that box remains unchecked…
I just uninstalled ZA and Avast worked perfectly! Then I installed ZA v.7.0.483 and Avast died again… Is there any conflict between them?..
Are you logged as an administrator?
yes, it’s my home computer
It seems like a conflict with ZA and Avast… You can use another firewall like Outpost or the PC Tools Firewall Plus and then check if the problem continues
BTW PC Tools Firewall works great!!
When you say you closed the program settings, I assume that you clicked OK rather than any other button ?
There is most certainly something strange with your set-up as all of the things suggested before ‘should’ have resolved the problem, yet nothing we suggest has worked, assuming you followed those suggestions to the letter.
You didn’t answer this question - What other security applications do you have besides adaware ?
Try rebooting into safe mode, http://www.pchell.com/support/safemode.shtml, start avast and try disabling self-defence from there.
@ LethalBoy
A conflict with ZA wouldn’t have this impact, e.g. not allowing disabling self-defence, though I have little confidence on ZA free (or pro for that matter).
LethalBoy, thank you, I’ll try it
Only Superantuspyware for now
Just did it. The self-defence module is now disabled but problem still is.
Problem seems to be in ZA, doesn’t it?
It would appear to be so, you could try temporarily disabling it do a manual avast update and see if that gets through and re-enable ZA.
However, even disabled there are likely to be drivers still loaded that might get in the way. Unfortunately I’m none to familiar with the inner workings of a firewall. So the suggestion to try the PC Tools firewall might be worth a shot, you would obviously have to download the new firewall, disconnect from the internet, uninstall ZA before installing the other firewall and reboot.