
Just curious about something…

Just below our names, to the left of our posts, is something that appears to be a rating of some sort reading “Karma: 0” (presumably the number can change). What the heck does this mean? What would cause this number to go up or down?

I realize this has no relevance to your product line, but the tagline does say “anything and everything about this board” so I thought I’d take a chance and post it. 8)

– Jeff
– aka The Beerslayer

Kindly check http://www.yabbse.org/faq/index.php?action=display&faq=19

BTW you said you were in California? Man, what time is it? 3am? I know, this karma thing is real interesting, but PLEASE, have some sleep ;D

Hmm. Interesting idea. Never seen that before in any other forum… and I’ve used YaBB myself. This looks like a much newer version, though…

BTW you said you were in California? Man, what time is it? 3am? I know, this karma thing is real interesting, but PLEASE, have some sleep ;D

Yup, it is indeed 03:00 as I post this.

Trust me, it isn’t Avast that’s keeping me up at night these days… :cry:

– Jeff
– aka The Beerslayer

Is the today version stable ??
I have se en lot’s of négative commentes, and just paid for it !!

Yep as far as I am concerned it is stable on windows 8

You need to bear in mind the number of users versus the number of complaints on the forum … The percentage is small