
Released yesterday

KasperskyOS – Secure Operating System for embedded connected systems with specific requirements for cyber security. >> https://os.kaspersky.com/

I’ve said this before on MalwareTips. If OS can’t run anything useful it won’t be vulnerable. But then, what are you going to use it for then? Windows is so vulnerable because it’s so widely used and because it’s so configurable and adaptable. As soon as you take that from it, sure, it’ll become way safer. But then you won’t be able to change 3/4 of things you can now. There is no middle way as you’ll always sacrifice something, be it customization or security.

I think this is to be used on IoT > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_things

Windows CE (RT) = KasperskyOS

This has industrial control applications that will surpass desktop / consumer usages. Hopefully, this stays around; unlike the WinCE v5 we all hoped and prayed for and then Microsoft pulled the plug on the project.

CE is still alive and kicking as “Windows Embedded Compact 2013”. CE 7.0 is/was widely deployed. Many Pace set top boxes for IPTV used it (Think AT&T U-Verse TV)