I’m trying to download and install Kazaa media desktop from the Kazaa site and I get the: “Warning, there is a virus in your computer”
Has the Kazaa site been infected or is this a false positite?
Thanks in advance
I’m trying to download and install Kazaa media desktop from the Kazaa site and I get the: “Warning, there is a virus in your computer”
Has the Kazaa site been infected or is this a false positite?
Thanks in advance
There’ll be other answers along, I’m sure – but given Kazaa’s reputation for carrying all kinds of malware, it’s a safe bet you really did pick up something you shouldn’t have.
Others will recommend alternate (and good) sources for music – but I think you’ll find nearly universal agreement that you should stay the heck away from Kazaa and clean every trace of it out of your system.
if you really want this filesharing stuff, go for shareaza, there’s also a kazaa lite version (without spyware and stuff) but I’d still recommend shareaza.
It’s an open source p2p sharing program…
Advice, before you install anything, have a look on google to make sure it’s trusthworthy…
What MikeBCda said about Kazaa is quite true. Stay away from it and most of the music sites. The sites or I should say the people that share files at those sites have viruses etc in their shared pc files. Thats where your pc could contract a malware infection very easily and quickly.
What file is reported as infected? And what is the name of the virus?
get iTunes. it is legal and virus free
Limewire, Kazaa Lite, Shareaza (is ok, not a lot of music though) are all good. I think LimeWire is best though.
I though Avast stopped viruses from loading into memory, and told you once it sees a virus sig on your system. So are you not safe to use the likes of kazaa?
and of course we all virus check files we download before opening
There is no need to use applications like Kazaa. There are many websites where you can download music for free and all legally. For (almost?) all applications there is a free one that does the same. eg: instead of MS-Office you can use openoffice or staroffice 5, instead of the installshield creator you can use nsis etc etc.
Stop stealing!
I am sure you don’t like it when your boss at the end of the month say to you: “Sory, no payment for you this month. Someone stole our products and now I can’t afford your salary”
Calm down guys…
Luis…PLEASE…get rid of KaZaA!!!
Please, do yourself and your PC a favor… 8) ??? :o
Stop stealing!I am sure you don’t like it when your boss at the end of the month say to you: “Sory, no payment for you this month. Someone stole our products and now I can’t afford your salary”
Artras, this is just my opinon of course, but the way i see it, why pay for something that is overpriced? , i mean look at all them microsoft products, isn’t that bill gates rich enough without ripping off (stealing) from everyone, people always say bill gates is a very rich man, well i should bloody hope so hes got everyones money.
I personaly would have no problem paying for avast! pro, sygate firewall, webroot products ect because they are resenably cheap, and are worth the money, but not Zonealarm, nortan, MS office ect ect because there all overpriced, there basicly stealing from me.
But i don’t use cracks and stuff on programs because i can infact pay for them, the only thing i can’t get is a decent pc because i can’t offord to put myself in deat.
Calm down guys...
I don’t think people are getting anoyed VIK, there just expressing there opinons.
Has the Kazaa site been infected or is this a false positite?
Its just plain crap, it puts viruses and malware on your pc, and you can now get fined if cault using it.
The only good one i have found that doesn’t infect you in some way is Winmx.
King Kazaa is in his death throws
Use www.shareaza.com or www.overnet.com
Yo, which is better openoffice or staroffice?
fined? is that a british thing?
Oh yea one more thing USE PROTECTION when using any p2p.
Protowall - www.bluetack.co.uk with
blocklist manager
PeerGuardian - www.methlabs.org
fined? is that a british thing?
Must be then, erm how to explain this, ok if you were to drive over the speed limit over here you will get fined money (lets say £100 for example), so its when you have to pay money ot for breaking the law, any clearer now?
;D ;D I know what the word fined means, I was refering to being fined for using kazaa
If you use Kazaa long enough, you will get fined but usually the fine is a computer that doesn’t boot.
If you use any filesharing application it is infact illigal, you are getting paid songs for free, there for stealing, record companies loss out and many pay hackers to virus kazza, i personaly couldn’t care less about the record people, there rich enough, there has only been one person fined, but why take a chance when you have one clearly better which is Winmx.
In Canada it is officially legal to upload and download music. If you are indeed looking for music Limewire is the best, I’ve been using it all day and have had no problems.
Guys, like artras said stop stealing. get iTunes, or if you prefer even wal-mart online music store.
Only stealing in the USA