we are using an SBS03 (ISA04, Exch03) with avast server 4.8.
According to kb899392 i have to do this:
If you are running a file-level antivirus program, make sure that the antivirus program has not locked the files in the TEMP folder. For more information about how to do this, contact the antivirus program vendor.
It means the c:\windows\[b]temp[/b]
How can i be sure?
Into the quarantine is not any file listed within this directory,
but there is a directory “avast4” with only “Webshlock.txt” in it which one i can’t open caused by use trough an other process.
Also there are “RemovedAttachments001-057.txt” directly into temp → access denied
Sorry don’t use the server version, but perhaps I can through some light on avast4 and Webshlock.txt.
The avast4 is where avast unpacks archives and scans temporary files, the file names normally start with unp999999.tmp (the 99999 being a numeric value) and isn’t the original file, though that would be locked whilst scanning completes. The file would be released and the unp99999.tmp file cleared if no detection found.
So it is normal to have no files other than the Webshlock.txt file if there is no scan in progress. The Webshlock.txt file is used by the Web Shield so wouldn’t have any impact on local system files.
thanks for the explanation, but happily i solved the problem.
The internet mail provider was activated and blocked all mails to hotmail/msn/live (and only to these domains.)
I searched days for this solution and i’m feeling stupid not to first made a test-stop on avast :-X
Here some keywords which i gathered over the search:
eventid 4006 3006
Semaphore BDAT last